We present an interactive insect show with the theme of "insect rearing," featuring beetle battles, insect quizzes, and ninja exercises. Our team of "Insect Heroes," with a proven track record of more than 1000 events, conducts the show with enthusiasm. In today's society, where children are becoming increasingly disconnected from nature and have an aversion to insects, our show aims to promote biodiversity and raise awareness of invasive species. We hope that by experiencing the fascinating world of insects and exploring the rich culture surrounding them, children will develop a keen interest in nature, which will encourage them to explore it further.

[What is Kuwaresu]
One of the most popular events in our show is our unique "Kuwaresu" beetle battle, in which real stag beetles battle each other according to specially designed rules in a custom-made ring. The carefully crafted rules and ring ensure that the beetles are not harmed during the battle. Through the Kuwaresu battle, children can observe insect behavior and interact with insects in a safe and ethical manner, which can help them become more familiar with these fascinating creatures.

At the insect show, you can also give live stag beetles and beetles as gifts.
In the game, you can naturally reset your life many times, but in reality it is impossible.
However, it is said that many children today are unable to draw the line between games and reality.
By actually breeding insects, you can experience the importance of life and reaffirm what is taken for granted.
You will feel a sense of gratitude for being alive.

昆虫を育てることで、命の大切さをリアルに体感 できます
「命を預かる責任」 を学び、自然に対する興味が広がります
そんな疑問を持つことが、 探究心や思いやりの心 につながります
A word from Takeshi Yoro

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"If you don't use your body enough from childhood, your body won't grow properly.
I'm trying to train only the brain now, but the brain is also part of the body.
Catching insects from an early age is good for the body. It is very sad that the children do not go out. 』
✅ MC付き! プロの司会進行で、会場の盛り上げもバッチリ!
✅ 音響機材持ち込み可能! スピーカーやマイクも完備しているので、設備がなくても開催可能!
✅ どんな会場でも対応! 商業施設、学校、屋外イベント、どこでも開催可能!


✔ ショッピングモール・商業施設 – ファミリー層を集客!
✔ 住宅展示場・地域イベント – 子ども向けの体験イベントに最適!
✔ 科学館・博物館 – 教育的なイベントコンテンツ として!
✔ 企業イベント・夏祭り – お祭りを盛り上げる目玉企画に!
✔ 学校・幼稚園・保育園 – 環境学習や自由研究のきっかけに!

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